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  • 藍星MM-71791-70
  • 藍星MM-71791-70
    • 産品名稱:藍星MM-71791-70
    • 産品編号:24
    • 規 格:20
    • 用 途:Description SILBIONE MM SER購這IES 71791 U are票相 silicone rubbers whi慢藍ch cure after addition of a v們章ulcanising agent (chosen as a functi這但on of the produ車商ction process). This series 近和includes four products which diffe話山r by their hardness once cure吃麗d : 40-50-60 and 70 Shore A. Once公票 processed SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U ,對北 "Food contact and biomedical grad公習e" are intended for: · biomedical ap如有plications · applications requir讀草ing a material that is non-toxic und樹雪er normal condition請花s of use and inert to food pr子服oducts. SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179文家1 U , are elastomers comprising pol畫長ymethylvinylsiloxane gums and s生民ilica. They heat cure after ad朋還dition of an organ件計ic peroxide compo長通und. This vulcanisation must be雪嗎 followed by post curi電服ng at 200°C. Special properties ·船生 Easy processing · 森民Highly transparent · Excellent mech下還anical properties, including hi文離gh tear strength and 筆長a good compromise 務中between tear strength and co雜森mpression set · Ver話見y good resistance to oxidi也市sing agents (oxygen, ozon到懂e, UV) · Very good b請商ehaviour for all sterilisation modes這公 · Very good release properties器筆 · Chemically inert Regulations The c高習omposition of SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 民人U enables them to服員 be used in conform門窗ity with the definitions in計個 the following European a冷西nd American regulations. Food 海問contact: France :日睡 Journal Officiel – Brochure 1227– or身兒der dated 25 Novemb去答er 1992. Germany : B你風GVV XVA and LIIA藍鐵. United States : 相笑: US- FDA- CFR 21- pa生書rt 177. 2600. Italy 習什: Gazetta Ufficiale – law dated 1973 a還和nd addendum. Moreover, sample內呢s of SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179暗技1 U, catalysed with dichloro- 2動上, 4 benzoyle peroxide, have been subj雨醫ect to migration tests in ac從少cordance with Europ窗這ean regulations: D朋遠irectives 82/ 711/ EEC and物身 93/ 8 EEC and 票身American regulations: US- FDACFR 21-地謝 part 177. 2600. Regulations Drinking報開 water contact S裡唱ILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U和能 of hardnesses 50 書好and 60 ShA, have been successfully p玩有roven to be in c家拍onformity with German KTZ regulation p月討art 1.3.13. Medical d服他evices. Basic biological studi影舞es; cytotoxicity,秒路 irritation, sensitisa分兵tion and hemocompat廠銀ibility, required by direct那是ive 93/42 CE dated June 1好謝4 1993, relative to medical 做有devices and USP Class V老不I of US, have been c報關arried out on samples of SILBIONE MM S場服ERIES 71791 U , catalysed using dich就信loro 2,4 benzoyle pero器農xide. The summaries of the biol樹西ogical studies are available on reques放慢t. In all cases it is the finishe會算d article manufacturer’s responsibilit林謝y to check confor妹術mity with the tes黑高ts imposed by the a司門ppropriate regulation兒嗎s. For medical applications, Rhod什懂ia Silicones SAS fo說睡rbids the commercialisation of these 笑這elastomers for the production of med很人ical devices: · implanted for more th匠謝an 29 days · in contact for 林刀more than 29 days with blood an聽區d the mucous membranes (cont房請raception, obstetrics) · 購刀for plastic surgery App用銀lications SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U ,錢明 once catalysed and processed is業票 recommended for the manufactu科什re of the following articles: Those wh志市ich enter in conta現高ct with food such as : · Tubes for dr厭章ink distribution, including po就國table water · Baby’s bottle t開媽ops · Various te校林chnical parts. · Section畫路s, sleeves, calendered sh麗在eets, belts and conveyor belts Those 場討used in pharmacy such as: · Tubes an玩門d piping for the circulation of l道城iquid or soluble medicines 匠我 · Medicine conv年快eyor belts, etc. Those used f慢科or medical applications such as: ·關呢 Tubes and piping for e算風xtra-corporal circulation · Oxygenothe離車rapy tubes · Self-injectable syringe我答 seals · Breathing masks Quality 麗呢Assurance 1- Manufactu謝玩re Rhodia Silicones takes 子地particular care in manufactu弟喝ring and quality control in order 有兵to guarantee users wit知河h the supply of an elastomer whose qu風行ality level is in conformity with the 老服special requirements in these冷舊 types of application: · l車火ack of cross-pollution. · hi動近gh level filtra火雨tion. · Specific controls. All o個土f these operations are 醫秒part of Rhodia Silicones’ quality聽到 control policy, certified to IS嗎鄉O 9001. Quality Assurance 2- Contr匠美ol Specific control唱票s are carried out on each batch o到筆f SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U t技來o meet the various regulations愛在. The results are 筆子written on the an哥人alytical test certificate in additio嗎玩n to the mechanical chara快間cteristics. SPECIFICATION FOOD小算 GRADE MEDICAL GRADE ON POST CURED V店紙ULCANISED PRODUCT Identi匠聽ty : IR Spectrum In什大 Conformity m m Vol跳服atile content (%):遠又 (200°C-10g-4h) 0.5 maxi. m 畫一Residual peroxides (%) 0.媽算08 maxi. m Mineral oils (fluorescen舊喝ce) In Conformity m ON AQUEOUS EX兵音TRACT Turbidity (NTU喝術) 4 maxi. m Alkalinity (ml 0.01 M在會 HCl) 1 maxi. m Acidity (ml 0.購飛01M NaOH) 1.5 maxi. m Reduc小樹ing substances (ml 0.01 M Na2 SO3鐘藍) 1 maxi m ON H刀木EXANE EXTRACT Hexane soluble 喝拍(%) 3 maxi m m Phe歌刀nyl compounds (DO/UV) 0.4 ma下匠xi. m Heavy metals (ppm) (other than 鐘西aqueous extract) 10 m就會axi m Processing 刀劇methods The choice of vulcani錢現sing agent (perox年司ide) to add to the SIL影民BIONE MM SERIES 71791 U depends on近民 the processing method and the 國和conformity with vario謝下us “Food contact grade” regulat雨草ions. The various process務東ing methods are匠喝 summarised in the table bel文理ow: SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 舊醫U Dichloro- 2, 4 benzoyle Peroxide at路能 50 % (E) Dicumyl Pe明聽roxide at 95 % (地見D) 2, 5 dimethyl- 2, 5河裡- di (tertio- buty聽玩lperoxy) hexane at 72 % (照朋L) compression Moulding 呢服injection 0.6 parts per 100 m音笑aster batch 0.6 parts 章風per 100 master batch hot ai會店r vulcanisation 0.9 to 1.25 parts per 訊作100 master batch 6 to 好線 12 bar 0.6 parts pe廠家r 100 Extrusion pressurised master ba媽現tch steam vulcanisat著木ion 12 to 20 bar 0.得身6 parts per 100 master ba又笑tch Calandering h學煙ot air vulcanisation 0討區.9 to 1.25 parts per 船頻100 master batch Charact麗謝eristics 1- Physical properties Ty朋裡pe (according to AFNOR T 4000購慢2)....... ......下有...........................MVQ Ha慢城rdness Specific gravity at 25什站 ° C, approx. 40 ShA 1.10 50 S長謝hA 1.13 60 ShA 1.15 70 遠藍ShA 1.18 Characteristics Natur房暗al colour......................... .紙朋..................................暗子.....Transparent 2-農北 Mechanical pro腦空perties Below we give an example of t紅用he characteristics obtained using d區的ichloro- 2, 4 ben視就zoyle peroxide (at 5好從0%) as a vulcanising ag了電ent. Measurements ar這呢e made on a 2 mm thick moulde一開d sheet, cured for 8 min at 畫紅115°C and post cu微西red for 4 hours a美站t 200°C. SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U 71林到 791/40 U 71 791/50 U 71 7光術91/60 U 71 791/7冷件0 U Peroxide dose in parts per 冷能100 of master batch 0.9舊體 1 1.25 1.25 ShA hardness ,頻日 points, approx (白如Standard ASTM D 2240) 43 5頻書3 62 72 Tensile strength, MPa, approx,是子 (Standard AFNOR NF T 4還煙6- 002) 9.0 9.5 10 9.5 Elonga做房tion at break, %, approx, (問校Standard AFNOR 得房NF T 46- 002) 600 640 500 4些內10 Tear strength, kN/m, approx, (低輛Standard ASTM D 62習站4 A) 31 38 38 34 Compre麗兒ssion set ( 22h/ 177°C/ 25%), %, ap窗綠prox, (Standard ASTM D 395 B) 能用 27 34 40 40 Rebound resili呢熱ence (thickness 8 mm), 技兒%, approx, (Standard DIN 5照離3 512) 50 45 42 37 Linear shr服少inkage %, approx,男路 3.5 3.7 3.7 4.0 SILBIONE MM劇高 SERIES 71791 U must be post cured at 計麗200°C after vulcanisation (it is 多音recommended not to exceed this temper草些ature). Post curing is多站 essential in order t得個o : · Ensure con腦人formity with the legislat相明ion and regulations currently 她費in force · Stabilise the mechanical pr民區operties of the elastomer as wel數在l as its dimensions 舞討 · Ensure the heat stability of t喝個he elastomer · Improve its 國近chemical resistance, e身紅specially with respect to sol信物vents, fats and steam Proc師答essing 1- Adding peroxide to 自坐SILBIONE MM SERIES行請 71791 U This operati通少on is performed on a two-roll mix分睡ing mill. Operating procedure :問劇 à Check that th著老e equipment is scrupulously clean 美也in order to avoid including impurities嗎湖 that would detract from the quali用房ty and properties of the SILBIONE作音 MASTER BATCH. à Plasticise 內業the SILBIONE MASTER BATCH. 遠司 Use of a back /一長 front roller speed ratio of between農年 1.25 and 1.4 ensures su高場fficient friction to gi老音ve good plasticis美銀ing. à Add the peroxide, then很短 mix by cutting and crossing. à C來呢ool the cylinders thro什照ughout the operation in order 民玩to maintain the SILB行樹IONE MASTER BATCH a些雪t a temperature below 志村30°C; In the case of cataly但章sis using crystalised dicumyl pe藍和roxide, after dispersion it is re票門commended to heat the elastomer 機腦to 50°C to ensu車好re the fusion of the 喝男peroxide, then to cool to 30° once 個國fully incorpora外場ted. 2- Processing也開 SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U o也如btained in this way can be processed u工男sing all conventiona友房l methods in the rubber processing雜做 industry used for traditional m秒吃aterials. Processing In thi但放s way, using SILBIONE MASTER BATCH問西 plasticised on a two-roll m低朋ixing mill, we could: à Either腦文 roll a sheet to t門就he required thickn男拍ess from which we厭體 will cut prefor河答ms for moulding. à or cut bands that w風多ill be used for example to feed an inj慢匠ection press or to prepare員玩 sheets for calendering. 3- Vulcan你生isation and post c如到uring Vulcanisation of 鐘玩SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U is carried 鐵討out at temperatures志樂 according to the t金老ype of peroxide used. Once 開時cured we remind you that SILBI去雪ONE MM SERIES 71791 U must be post c高拍ured at 200°C in forced 匠書air ovens with protected heating 些上elements. The post cure duration depen數著ds on the thickness o爸月f the parts obtained (mould花銀ed, extruded or訊拍 calendered). Post curing giv光國es the elastomer its 河得optimum characte吃你ristics and ensures its conformity w些紙ith the requirements現空 of the regulations curren做生tly in force. Important comments : P信又ost curing at a temperature above 200舞化°C or any accidental increas窗街e in temperature (e.g. to 愛答around 250-300°C) ca空為n damage parts causing stiffeni討中ng, cracking or formation of a s厭從urface glaze. It is theref化問ore important to use good temperatur月也e control toget這公her with forced air venti用花lation. Non-ventilated ovens or 又吧those with insufficient黃門 ventilation can畫分 cause "reversion" 亮吃to occur : a reduction in ha件冷rdness due to the onset of depoly男村merisation. Important notice海動 RHODIA SILICONES SAS guar內年antees the properties given for SIL爸煙BIONE MM SERIES 71791 U . Ho妹弟wever, our company cannot guarantee t鐘得he behaviour of thi男明s master batch and t師來he application that is made近票 of it by the use下要r, since it has no co時去ntrol over the conditions of 下麗application nor the process under wh但市ich a study has been conducted. Pa她劇ckaging SILBIONE MM SERIES 7木畫1791 U are available in 腦謝25 kg reinforced cardboard cartons. E視慢ach master batch時信 is enclosed in 秒音a release coated shee照友t. Storage and shelf li數問fe SILBIONE MM SERIES美劇 71791 U may be stored in its ori做她ginal unopened packag資議ing at a temperature below +數謝40°C for up to 18 months from the d好電ate of manufacture marked clearly on 也雪the packaging. Past新電 this date, Rhodia Silicones n外愛o longer guarantees t那畫hat the product meets th媽短e sales specification農筆s.When kept in its origi線筆nal unopened pa劇呢ckaging, According to the hardness,劇水 it is recommended to sli門鐘ghtly refreshen SILBIONE MM SERIES 717笑光91 U before using. C去村omment : Prolonged storage beyond the 要厭recommended expiry date 火為 generally means a reduction i拿民n hardness and an increase in電腦 refreshening time S土低afety Please refer t木嗎o the Safety Data Sheets for SILBIONE放們 MM SERIES 71791 U . Warning t少路o users The information cont線好ained in this document is given in good問討 faith based on our current knowledge信銀. It is only an indication and is in n他他o way binding, particularly as reg爸們ards infringement of or prejudic朋醫e to third party rights through the us通國e of our products. RHODIA SILICONES影我 GUARANTEES THAT I公火TS PRODUCTS COMPLY 師來WITH ITS SALES SPECIFICAT文關IONS. This information must o都腦n no account be used as a s匠我ubstitute for neces姐火sary prior tests which 師兵alone can ensure that a produ森秒ct is suitable新生 for a given use. Users湖又 are responsible for ensuring comp火員liance with local legislati費呢on and for obtaining the nece花費ssary certifications and aut門著horisations. Users are requ線也ested to check 相個that they are in possession of the l海開atest version of南海 this document and RH老什ODIA SILICONES is a鄉些t their disposal to自嗎 supply any additional informat放厭ion.
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  • 詳細信息
  • Description SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179讀錯1 U are silicon些師e rubbers which cure

    after addition of a vulcanising agent (樂木chosen as a function of the

    production process).

    This series includes four produc鄉術ts which differ by t現又heir hardness

    once cured : 40-50-60 and 7看體0 Shore A.

    Once processed SILBIONE MM 的山SERIES 71791 U , "Food contact

    and biomedical grade" are 校船intended for:

    · biomedical appli機些cations

    · applications requiring a material t時裡hat is non-toxic un分習der normal

    conditions of use and inert to 秒理food products.

    SILBIONE MM SERIE車著S 71791 U , are elastomers compris舊見ing

    polymethylvinylsiloxane g為媽ums and silica. They he森也at cure after

    addition of an organic p術個eroxide compound. This vulcanis上放ation must

    be followed by post curing a輛錢t 200°C.

    Special properties · Easy proce村看ssing

    · Highly transparent

    · Excellent mechanical properti暗唱es, including high tear strength跳知

    and a good compromise between人體 tear strength and

    compression set

    · Very good resistanc船有e to oxidising agents (oxygen兵請, ozone, UV)

    · Very good behaviour for得請 all sterilisation modes

    · Very good releas海如e properties

    · Chemically inert

    Regulations The composition of窗爸 SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U enabl林業es them to

    be used in conformity with the defini書拍tions in the following Eur木睡opean and

    American regulations.

    Food contact:

    France : Journal Officiel – Brochure 1讀門227– order dated 25 November


    Germany : BGVV XVA and LIIA.

    United States : : US- FDA- CFR 21- pa現妹rt 177. 2600.

    Italy : Gazetta Ufficial爸見e – law dated 1973 and addendum.

    Moreover, samples o聽湖f SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U, c兵腦atalysed

    with dichloro- 2, 4 benzoyle per去銀oxide, have been 現西subject to

    migration tests in accordance with Euro得友pean regulations: 知看Directives

    82/ 711/ EEC and 93/ 8 EEC and Americ地北an regulations: US- FDACFR

    21- part 177. 2600.

    Regulations Dri公習nking water contact

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U of har懂下dnesses 50 and 60 ShA, hav文行e

    been successfully proven to be 工道in conformity wi舞請th German KTZ

    regulation part 1.3.13.

    Medical devices.

    Basic biological studies; cyto什我toxicity, irritation, sensitisa在為tion and

    hemocompatibilit間跳y, required by directive 喝黑93/42 CE dated June 朋美14

    1993, relative t身物o medical devices and USP Class VI of U海為S, have

    been carried out 朋市on samples of SILB麗場IONE MM SERIES 71791 U ,

    catalysed using dichloro 2,你會4 benzoyle peroxid匠美e.

    The summaries of the b南村iological studies a風兵re available on request.

    In all cases it船離 is the finished article m美關anufacturer’s

    responsibility 通舞to check conformity with the tests i用朋mposed by

    the appropriate regulations.

    For medical applications, Rhodia Sili公腦cones SAS forbids the

    commercialisation of these elastome從通rs for the prod照個uction of

    medical devices:

    · implanted for more than 29 days

    · in contact for more than 29 days wi算房th blood and the

    mucous membranes (cont中長raception, obstetrics)

    · for plastic surgery

    Applications SILBIONE MM SERIES 中新71791 U , once ca年謝talysed and processed is

    recommended for the m路月anufacture of th街樂e following articl機在es:

    Those which enter in contact with fo國到od such as :

    · Tubes for drink distribution,美的 including potable water

    · Baby’s bottle to兵熱ps

    · Various technical parts.

    · Sections, sleeves, cale內用ndered sheets, be照拍lts and conveyor belts

    Those used in pharmacy such as:

    · Tubes and piping for the員裡 circulation of liquid or soluble


    · Medicine conveyor belts, etc.

    Those used for medical applications 有她such as:

    · Tubes and piping弟業 for extra-corporal她開 circulation

    · Oxygenotherapy明討 tubes

    · Self-injectable syrin下紙ge seals

    · Breathing masks

    Quality Assurance 1- Manufactur理綠e

    Rhodia Silicones舞美 takes particular care in 上件manufacturing and quali紅區ty

    control in orde明房r to guarantee users with the supp土著ly of an elastomer

    whose quality level 學男is in conformity with the special re作唱quirements in

    these types of appli音低cation:

    · lack of cross-pollution.明我

    · high level filtrati亮對on.

    · Specific controls.

    All of these operations火服 are part of Rhodia Silicones’她嗎 quality control

    policy, certified to ISO 9001.

    Quality Assurance 2- 吧民Control

    Specific controls are carried out 鐵著on each batch of SILBIONE 森這MM

    SERIES 71791 U t體聽o meet the various r微哥egulations.

    The results are writt錯生en on the analytical test certifi車爸cate in addition to

    the mechanical character化吧istics.



    Identity : IR Spectrum In 還雪Conformity m m

    Volatile content (%):


    0.5 maxi. m

    Residual peroxides (子快%) 0.08 maxi. m

    Mineral oils (fluorescence嗎都) In Conformity m


    Turbidity (NTU) 4 maxi. m

    Alkalinity (ml 0.01 M HCl) 民紙1 maxi. m

    Acidity (ml 0.01M NaOH) 1.5 maxi山裡. m

    Reducing substa電弟nces

    (ml 0.01 M Na2 SO3)

    1 maxi m


    Hexane soluble 近術(%) 3 maxi m m

    Phenyl compounds 年離(DO/UV) 0.4 maxi. m

    Heavy metals (ppm) (other公計 than

    aqueous extract)

    10 maxi m

    Processing methods The choice of vulc機家anising agent (p件嗎eroxide) to add to the SIL謝雨BIONE

    MM SERIES 71791 U depend樂上s on the processing method and the作舊

    conformity with various “Food contact水師 grade” regulations.

    The various processing met道明hods are summarised in the煙問 table



    MM SERIES 71791 U

    Dichloro- 2, 4 看村benzoyle

    Peroxide at 50 %


    Dicumyl Peroxide

    at 95 %


    2, 5 dimethyl-

    2, 5- di (tertio- butylperoxy)

    hexane at 72 %



    Moulding injection

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    hot air vulcanisation 0.9 to 1.25 電事parts per 100

    master batch

    6 to

    12 bar

    0.6 parts per 100

    Extrusion pressurise道人d master batch



    12 to

    20 bar

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    Calandering hot air vulcanisation

    0.9 to 1.25 parts per 100

    master batch

    Characteristics 1- Physica金體l properties

    Type (according to AFNOR T 40002).....就術.. .................................M哥靜VQ

    Hardness Specific 國費gravity at 25 ° C, approx.

    40 ShA 1.10

    50 ShA 1.13

    60 ShA 1.15

    70 ShA 1.18

    Characteristics Na愛白tural colour............看有............. .........................我小...............Transparent

    2- Mechanical properties

    Below we give an example of the char習要acteristics obt視下ained using

    dichloro- 2, 4 benzoyle peroxide 草票(at 50%) as a vulcanising agent通去.

    Measurements are mad拍遠e on a 2 mm thick moulded sheet, c內資ured for

    8 min at 115°C and post cured f身妹or 4 hours at 200°C.

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U通家 71 791/40 U 71 791/50 U 71 草上791/60 U 71 791/70愛懂 U

    Peroxide dose in parts per 100 of mast暗紅er batch 0.9 1 1.25 1.25

    ShA hardness , points, approx

    (Standard ASTM D 2240)

    43 53 62 72

    Tensile strength資年, MPa, approx,

    (Standard AFNOR NF T 46- 002)影商

    9.0 9.5 10 9.5

    Elongation at break, %, approx,

    (Standard AFNOR NF T 46- 0紅的02)

    600 640 500 410

    Tear strength, kN/m, approx,

    (Standard ASTM D 624 A)

    31 38 38 34

    Compression set ( 22h/ 177°C/ 25%), %車少, approx,

    (Standard ASTM D 395 B)

    27 34 40 40

    Rebound resilience (thicknes聽亮s 8 mm), %, approx,

    (Standard DIN 53 512)農師

    50 45 42 37

    Linear shrinkage %, approx, 3.5 3.7日知 3.7 4.0

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179照銀1 U must be post cured at 200°C

    after vulcanisation聽但 (it is recommen答熱ded not to exceed票了 this


    Post curing is essential in 理化order to :

    · Ensure conformity wi站北th the legislation and regulations cur錢做rently

    in force

    · Stabilise the mec妹學hanical properties of the elastomer a能時s well as

    its dimensions

    · Ensure the heat stability o雜爸f the elastomer

    · Improve its che聽窗mical resistance, 友雪especially with re低學spect to

    solvents, fats and steam

    Processing 1- Adding peroxide to 友信SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U

    This operation is performed身銀 on a two-roll mixing mill.

    Operating procedure :

    à Check that the equipment 雪話is scrupulously clean in ord和民er to avoid

    including impuri場可ties that would detract from the qu票離ality and properties of


    à Plasticise the SILBIONE MASTER BA玩的TCH.

    Use of a back / front roller speed rat友技io of between 1.25 and 1.高體4 ensures

    sufficient frictio用票n to give good plasticis遠通ing.

    à Add the peroxide, then mix 少如by cutting and crossing.

    à Cool the cylinders throug志窗hout the operation in order 聽森to maintain the

    SILBIONE MASTER BAT紙海CH at a temperature bel路跳ow 30°C;

    In the case of 湖線catalysis using crystalised d店他icumyl peroxide, after

    dispersion it is recomm內飛ended to heat the elastomer時知 to 50°C to ensure the

    fusion of the peroxide, then to笑錢 cool to 30° once fully incorporat請物ed.

    2- Processing

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U obtained 森房in this way can be

    processed using all c看問onventional methods in the rubber pr個麗ocessing

    industry used for traditional materials章輛.

    Processing In this way, using SILBIONE 們雨MASTER BATCH plasticised on a

    two-roll mixing mil麗友l, we could:

    à Either roll a sheet to the required 視間thickness from which we will動睡 cut

    preforms for mould照家ing.

    à or cut bands that will be used for飛公 example to feed an injection制員 press or

    to prepare sheets for calender鐘船ing.

    3- Vulcanisation 去雨and post curing

    Vulcanisation of SILBIONE 我水MM SERIES 71791 U is ca冷外rried out at

    temperatures according 刀船to the type of peroxide used.雨如

    Once cured we remind you tha校朋t SILBIONE MM SER跳得IES 71791 U

    must be post cured at 200°C in forced相吃 air ovens with 高章protected

    heating elements.銀花

    The post cure duratio文請n depends on the thickne弟術ss of the parts

    obtained (moulded, extruded or c雨錯alendered).

    Post curing gives the elas低姐tomer its optimum charact愛會eristics and ensu多南res

    its conformity with the requiremen美日ts of the regulations current我司ly in force.

    Important comments :

    Post curing at a temperatur水件e above 200°C or any謝件 accidental increase in見資

    temperature (e.g. to around 250東姐-300°C) can damage parts校北 causing

    stiffening, cracking or f水通ormation of a surface glaze. I服什t is therefore

    important to use good舊藍 temperature control toget紅子her with forced air


    Non-ventilated 門學ovens or those with insuffici了農ent ventilation can c火吧ause

    "reversion" t間器o occur : a reduction in hardness due t多和o the onset of


    Important notice RHODIA SILICONES S議村AS guarantees t金好he properties give呢熱n for


    However, our compan看金y cannot guarantee t中多he behaviour of th鄉可is master

    batch and the app些舊lication that is made 妹能of it by the user, since it has 人外no

    control over the conditions of appli地行cation nor the proc計畫ess under which a

    study has been conducted.

    Packaging SILBIONE MM SER拍有IES 71791 U are 街有available in 25 kg reinforced

    cardboard cartons. Each ma技農ster batch is enclosed in業黃 a release

    coated sheet.

    Storage and

    shelf life

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U may be stor通和ed in its original通器

    unopened packagi也歌ng at a temperature below +40°C f她拍or up to 18

    months from the date of manu水讀facture marked clearl歌雪y on the


    Past this date, Rhodia Silic慢那ones no longer g哥我uarantees that 議又the

    product meets the sales specification坐女s.When kept in its original

    unopened packaging,

    According to the hard好業ness, it is rec制刀ommended to slightly refreshen

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791拿資 U before using.

    Comment : Prolonged storage beyond the在討 recommended expiry date

    generally means a reduction in ha飛的rdness and an increase in refre日好shening


    Safety Please refer to the 些照Safety Data She計如ets for SILBIONE MM SERI票自ES

    71791 U .

    Warning to users The informat民金ion contained in t我行his document is given in good f煙暗aith

    based on our current knowledg他吃e. It is only an indication and is 街冷in no

    way binding, parti服術cularly as regards infringement 愛家of or prejudice to

    third party rights through the use 報得of our products.



    This information 見劇must on no account be used 好樂as a substitute for

    necessary prior 大地tests which alone 新資can ensure that a product is

    suitable for a given u司現se.

    Users are responsibl老對e for ensuring compliance with local le說外gislation

    and for obtaining the nece些到ssary certifications and a身厭uthorisations.

    Users are requeste紅南d to check that they are 拿算in possession of the

    latest version of喝劇 this document and RHODIA SILICON車動ES is at their

    disposal to supply 要哥any additional inform吧花ation.

版權所有 © 廣州餘簡貿易有限公司  
