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  • 藍星MM-71791-40
  • 藍星MM-71791-40
    • 産品名稱:藍星MM-71791-40
    • 産品編号:15
    • 規 格:20
    • 用 途:Description SILBIONE MM SE業數RIES 71791 U are silicone rubbers wh火計ich cure after addition of老的 a vulcanising ag了月ent (chosen as a function of th著看e production pro開術cess). This series includes four pro理坐ducts which dif市業fer by their hardness once cured : 40-女我50-60 and 70 Shore A. Once proce大女ssed SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U懂村 , "Food contact and bi雨吃omedical grade" are intended 匠這for: · biomedical 刀近applications · applicati紅也ons requiring a materia資錯l that is non-toxic under normal 玩在conditions of use and iner長看t to food products. SILBION能個E MM SERIES 71791 U道務 , are elastomers compris喝機ing polymethylvinylsilox頻很ane gums and silica為廠. They heat cure after addition們兵 of an organic peroxid畫間e compound. This vulcani樂就sation must be followed by post curing金錢 at 200°C. Special pro廠舊perties · Easy processin校歌g · Highly transparen東劇t · Excellent mec山關hanical properties, including high 河厭tear strength and a good compromise b爸鐵etween tear strength and 行光 compression set · Very good resistan用海ce to oxidising a些事gents (oxygen, ozone, UV) · Very good學的 behaviour for all笑我 sterilisation modes · Very good r又哥elease propertie紙舞s · Chemically inert Regulations The弟如 composition of SILBION慢音E MM SERIES 71791 U年北 enables them to be used i日藍n conformity with the d冷呢efinitions in the following Eur什讀opean and American regulations. Foo微作d contact: France : Jour是機nal Officiel – Brochure 1227– ord做小er dated 25 November 1992. 自就 Germany : BGVV XVA and 但唱LIIA. United St內討ates : : US- FDA- CFR 21就離- part 177. 2600. Italy : Gaz錯紅etta Ufficiale – law dat錢光ed 1973 and addendum. 風空 Moreover, samples of SILBIONE MM 也很SERIES 71791 U, catalysed with dichlo雪工ro- 2, 4 benzoyle pe明門roxide, have been subject to mi裡慢gration tests in accordance with Europ間拍ean regulations: Direct煙木ives 82/ 711/ EEC and 93/ 8 EE她友C and American regu她和lations: US- FDACFR 為視21- part 177. 2600. R知村egulations Drinking water contact SIL能校BIONE MM SERIES 71791 U of ha國弟rdnesses 50 and 60 ShA, have been su熱和ccessfully proven t費兵o be in conformity with German KTZ近照 regulation par話舞t 1.3.13. Medical de紙土vices. Basic biologi劇木cal studies; cytotoxicity, 樂讀irritation, sensitisation and hemocomp計大atibility, required by di唱農rective 93/42 CE dated June 14哥有 1993, relative to med數錯ical devices and USP Class VI錢喝 of US, have been carried out on 南男samples of SILBION森街E MM SERIES 71791 U , catalysed現林 using dichloro 2作坐,4 benzoyle peroxide. The summ匠讀aries of the biological studies 遠學are available o村很n request. In all cases it is the 黑電finished article manufactur信動er’s responsibility to check conformi畫什ty with the tests impos會可ed by the appropriate regul木業ations. For me時笑dical applications,他你 Rhodia Silicones SAS f睡城orbids the commercialisat草醫ion of these elastome靜舞rs for the production of medical路秒 devices: · im窗海planted for more than 29 days 劇下 · in contact for more than 29 days紅民 with blood and the工算 mucous membranes (cont用煙raception, obstetrics) · for pl技很astic surgery Applications SILBIONE MM短可 SERIES 71791 U , onc腦人e catalysed and processed is recommen這現ded for the manufacture of the f火長ollowing articles:了也 Those which ent們裡er in contact with food 商黑such as : · Tubes for drink distributi少冷on, including potable water · Baby’s 行媽bottle tops · Various technic照都al parts. · Sections, sleeves, calende亮不red sheets, belts and conve光化yor belts Those used in pharmacy suc海朋h as: · Tubes and pipi火理ng for the circ月中ulation of liquid or solub紙笑le medicines · Me跳老dicine conveyor belts, etc. 司跳Those used for medical applications suc作農h as: · Tubes 她他and piping for extra-corporal circul她愛ation · Oxygenotherapy 和議tubes · Self-inj看房ectable syringe seals · 校關Breathing masks Q紙會uality Assurance 1-不體 Manufacture Rhodia Silicon秒議es takes particular car年購e in manufacturing an商我d quality control in order to 們還guarantee users with 弟朋the supply of an e內商lastomer whose quality level靜書 is in conformity with the special re樹請quirements in these typ很員es of application: · lack of cross農外-pollution. · high level fil多紙tration. · Specifi腦歌c controls. All of們短 these operations ar用是e part of Rhodia Silicones’ quality c器又ontrol policy, 謝水certified to ISO 9001. 吧理 Quality Assurance 2- 樂睡Control Specific controls are carried近新 out on each batch of SILBIONE M報黑M SERIES 71791 U to meet the v請吃arious regulations. The results are wr在機itten on the analytical test cer員商tificate in addition to the me不草chanical characteristics. S是妹PECIFICATION FOOD GRADE MEDICAL GRADE 子但ON POST CURED VULCANISE她綠D PRODUCT Identity : IR Spectrum 明內In Conformity m m Volatile cont跳舞ent (%): (200°C-10g-4h) 0.5 max鄉短i. m Residual peroxides (%) 0呢媽.08 maxi. m Mine綠機ral oils (fluorescence) I大市n Conformity m ON AQUEOU事員S EXTRACT Turbidity (NTU) 4 maxi. m 匠資Alkalinity (ml 0.01 M HCl) 1 m海我axi. m Acidity (ml 0.01M NaOH) 1.草開5 maxi. m Reducing s身間ubstances (ml 0.01錯村 M Na2 SO3) 1 maxi m ON 土個HEXANE EXTRACT Hexane sol爸地uble (%) 3 maxi m m Phenyl 知腦compounds (DO/UV) 0.4 max朋風i. m Heavy metals (ppm) (other tha冷影n aqueous extract) 10 maxi答場 m Processing methods The多都 choice of vulcanising age遠媽nt (peroxide) to add to the SILBIONE M從我M SERIES 71791 U dep數又ends on the processing method and th從就e conformity with various “Food c廠劇ontact grade” regulations. T兵師he various processin上可g methods are summarised in 校她the table below: SILBIO兵什NE MM SERIES 71791 U Dich河你loro- 2, 4 benzoyle Peroxide at 黑月50 % (E) Dicum作謝yl Peroxide at 95 % 拍章 (D) 2, 5 dimethyl- 2, 5- di樹花 (tertio- butylperoxy) 路妹hexane at 72 % (L)照開 compression Moulding inj兵唱ection 0.6 parts per 100 ma我票ster batch 0.6 part答到s per 100 master ba輛草tch hot air vulcanisation 0.9 to 1.話老25 parts per 100 master batch業些 6 to 12 bar 0.6 parts pe黃唱r 100 Extrusion pressuris數秒ed master batch steam裡知 vulcanisation 12 to 20 bar 0.6 p煙近arts per 100 master batch Caland玩但ering hot air vulcanisation 0.9 子購to 1.25 parts per 100 maste業南r batch Characteristics 1- Ph短又ysical properties Typ作到e (according to A國劇FNOR T 40002).....海日.. ....................看時.............MVQ Hardness Spec志舊ific gravity at 25 ° C, a鐵間pprox. 40 ShA 1.10 50 樹海ShA 1.13 60 ShA 1.15女鐵 70 ShA 1.18 C銀計haracteristics Natural colour......友做................... ............答東............................Transpar厭說ent 2- Mechanical properties 謝費 Below we give an example公日 of the characterist票金ics obtained using dichloro章報- 2, 4 benzoyle pe遠懂roxide (at 50%) as a vulcanising ag我明ent. Measurements are 志輛made on a 2 mm thick moulded s這舊heet, cured for 8 min at 115°C and po討靜st cured for 4 hours at 2就化00°C. SILBIONE MM SERIES 7對道1791 U 71 791/40 U 71 費又791/50 U 71 791/60 U 71 791/70 U Pe北輛roxide dose in parts pe自作r 100 of master batch 0.9 1 1.2秒著5 1.25 ShA hardness , points, a機子pprox (Standard A道件STM D 2240) 43 53 62 7拿用2 Tensile strength, MPa, approx, 子議 (Standard AFNOR NF能內 T 46- 002) 9.0 9.5 10 9.5 Elong兒分ation at break, %, approx, (Standard 志務AFNOR NF T 46- 00放土2) 600 640 500 410 Tear strengt場玩h, kN/m, approx, (Standard ASTM D 624做資 A) 31 38 38 34 Compressio不綠n set ( 22h/ 177°C/ 25%), %, 我可approx, (Standard ASTM D 395 為喝B) 27 34 40 40 要樹 Rebound resilience (thickness 8 m路高m), %, approx, (Standard DIN 53 512) 機明50 45 42 37 Line冷謝ar shrinkage %, appr話能ox, 3.5 3.7 3.7 4.0 SILBIONE MM SE科電RIES 71791 U must be post cured a山城t 200°C after vulcanisa如那tion (it is recom下著mended not to exceed this te了西mperature). Post curing is essentia也理l in order to : 道道 · Ensure conformity with the legisla他玩tion and regulations curren工微tly in force · Stabilise the mec店區hanical properties of the elastomer書為 as well as its購劇 dimensions · Ensure the heat st低電ability of the elastomer · Improve姐喝 its chemical resistance, especially火數 with respect to solvents, fats 商又and steam Processing習器 1- Adding peroxide to SILBION一飛E MM SERIES 71791 U This ope錯他ration is performed on a two-微可roll mixing mill. Operating pr劇媽ocedure : à Che我低ck that the equipment is scrupulou民飛sly clean in order to avoid 影玩including impurities that would 文務detract from the q照科uality and properties of the SILBIONE河商 MASTER BATCH. à P男靜lasticise the SILBIONE MASTER BATCH. U習鄉se of a back / front rolle那東r speed ratio of betwe也可en 1.25 and 1.4 ensur議子es sufficient frict關朋ion to give good plasticis場地ing. à Add the peroxi家有de, then mix by cut答的ting and crossing. à Cool th錢動e cylinders throughout the opera匠妹tion in order to mai們業ntain the SILBIONE MASTER BATCH at a月資 temperature below 30°C; In th是自e case of catalysis using crystalised 通筆dicumyl peroxide, after disper拍議sion it is recommend唱跳ed to heat the elas腦個tomer to 50°C to ensure the低費 fusion of the peroxide, th放算en to cool to 30° once 弟照fully incorpora開南ted. 2- Processi鐘可ng SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U obtain她計ed in this way can be pr歌快ocessed using all conventional metho水森ds in the rubber p民年rocessing industry used for trad市南itional materials. Processin門新g In this way, using SILBIONE MAS花靜TER BATCH plasticised o師微n a two-roll mixing mill, we co術呢uld: à Either roll a sheet to the req廠姐uired thickness from which 裡區we will cut preforms for m樹近oulding. à or cut bands that 好火will be used for ex靜綠ample to feed an injectio森算n press or to prepare sheets for ca裡民lendering. 3- Vulcanisation 票有and post curing Vulca術算nisation of SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U 路吃is carried out at temper畫朋atures according t錯什o the type of peroxide used. Onc金城e cured we remi務資nd you that SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791草購 U must be post cured at 2麗在00°C in forced ai錯筆r ovens with protected heating elemen店關ts. The post cure duration depends on 什民the thickness of the parts 新物obtained (moulded媽個, extruded or calendered). Post新志 curing gives the ela知紅stomer its optimum 見好characteristics and ensu費樹res its conformity with th河南e requirements of the r放公egulations currently低就 in force. Important comments : Post 能讀curing at a temperature above 20訊媽0°C or any accidental increase in t笑你emperature (e.g. to around 250-3窗火00°C) can damage part醫公s causing stiffening, cracking o舞秒r formation of a surfac窗我e glaze. It is there冷知fore important to use go南舊od temperature 下時control together with forc低見ed air ventilatio和畫n. Non-ventilated 麗道ovens or those with他呢 insufficient ventilat件得ion can cause "reversion" to o舞來ccur : a reduction in hardness d藍離ue to the onset of d地場epolymerisation. Import好道ant notice RHODIA SILICONES SAS gu問家arantees the properties given for SI短北LBIONE MM SERIES 問知71791 U . Howe遠商ver, our company嗎家 cannot guarantee the behaviou學看r of this master batch and the ap城錯plication that is m歌我ade of it by th說看e user, since it has no control o些暗ver the conditions of applicatio光暗n nor the process under which a st如司udy has been conduct聽你ed. Packaging SILBIONE MM 信熱SERIES 71791 U are available in 25 科厭kg reinforced cardb靜照oard cartons. Each master batch is en靜花closed in a release co科分ated sheet. Storage and shelf life S劇年ILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U電們 may be stored in its o司照riginal unopene他睡d packaging at a tempera我醫ture below +40°C for up 人得to 18 months from玩光 the date of manufacture ma數行rked clearly on t房家he packaging. Past this da道路te, Rhodia Silicones 商要no longer guarantee讀購s that the product meets the sales 工熱specifications.When kept in its origin要東al unopened packaging,公算 According to the hardness, it is 費山recommended to slightly refreshen SIL慢西BIONE MM SERIES 71791 U before usin信是g. Comment : Pr內討olonged storage beyond術志 the recommended expiry date genera高請lly means a reduction in ha公錯rdness and an incre鄉如ase in refreshening tim秒劇e Safety Please refer to 小銀the Safety Data Sheets for SILBIONE M要林M SERIES 71791 U . Warning to user微作s The information cont就事ained in this document 拍線is given in good faith based on o也師ur current knowledge. It i輛頻s only an indication and友視 is in no way binding, p短做articularly as regards i金快nfringement of or prejudice to third p麗子arty rights through the use o市北f our products. RHO一睡DIA SILICONES GUARANTEES THAT ITS錢在 PRODUCTS COMP輛雪LY WITH ITS SALE笑水S SPECIFICATIONS. This informat身照ion must on no 得廠account be used as 又員a substitute for necessary prior 能算tests which alone can ensure年可 that a product is suita體長ble for a given use. U湖員sers are responsible裡坐 for ensuring co很音mpliance with local legi術路slation and for ob市近taining the necessary certifica火外tions and authorisations. U場家sers are request人為ed to check that they are in possessi農見on of the late些筆st version of this documen開微t and RHODIA SILI喝能CONES is at their d你風isposal to suppl愛煙y any additional information.
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  • 詳細信息
  • Description SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791購術 U are silicone rubbers which cure

    after addition of a vul商為canising agent (chosen對事 as a function of術鐘 the

    production process刀花).

    This series inclu科信des four products which di習能ffer by their hardness

    once cured : 40-50-60 and 70 Shore A.

    Once processed SILBIONE MM 舞冷SERIES 71791 U , "Food術的 contact

    and biomedical grade&qu算校ot; are intended f國村or:

    · biomedical applications

    · applications req山用uiring a material that is non-to花兵xic under normal

    conditions of use and inert to 窗紙food products.

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U 男男, are elastomers comprisi路弟ng

    polymethylvinylsiloxane 低子gums and silica. They heat cure a術自fter

    addition of an organic peroxide co計西mpound. This vulcanisation must

    be followed by post curing at 200°廠生C.

    Special properties子紙 · Easy processin公購g

    · Highly transparent

    · Excellent mechanical proper姐女ties, including h山章igh tear strength

    and a good compromise between tear s金問trength and

    compression set

    · Very good resistance to oxidising年請 agents (oxygen,又農 ozone, UV)

    · Very good behaviour 商畫for all sterilisat員得ion modes

    · Very good release pro內商perties

    · Chemically iner快如t

    Regulations The compositio在地n of SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U enable短畫s them to

    be used in conformity w算門ith the definitions in the fo短輛llowing European and

    American regulations.

    Food contact:

    France : Journa說對l Officiel – Brochure 1227– orde明店r dated 25 November


    Germany : BGVV XVA 體花and LIIA.

    United States : : US- FDA- 鄉煙CFR 21- part 177. 2600.

    Italy : Gazetta Uf懂作ficiale – law dated 197行行3 and addendum.

    Moreover, samples of拍制 SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179劇門1 U, catalysed

    with dichloro- 2, 4 benzoyle家的 peroxide, have been subj錢購ect to

    migration tests in accordance wi你樂th European regulations: Dire門很ctives

    82/ 711/ EEC and 93/ 8 EEC and American拍弟 regulations: US-時高 FDACFR

    21- part 177. 2600.

    Regulations Drinking water cont我飛act

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U of ha快問rdnesses 50 and 60 ShA, ha你弟ve

    been successfully 還制proven to be in conformity 雜工with German KTZ

    regulation part錢商 1.3.13.

    Medical devices.

    Basic biological studies; cytot票站oxicity, irritation,做雪 sensitisation and

    hemocompatibility, re紅樹quired by directive 93/42 CE dated J自就une 14

    1993, relative to medical dev章學ices and USP Class VI of U暗銀S, have

    been carried out on samples of S離歌ILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U ,

    catalysed using dichloro 2,4 benzoyle 歌說peroxide.

    The summaries of the biological st通他udies are available 內訊on request.

    In all cases it is the finishe生問d article manufacturer行空’s

    responsibility to check conformity 錯資with the tests imposed by

    the appropriate regulations笑司.

    For medical applications, Rhodia Silico山她nes SAS forbids 北店the

    commercialisation of t知身hese elastomers for the production of

    medical devices:

    · implanted for more than 29 days

    · in contact for慢購 more than 29 days 請笑with blood and the

    mucous membranes (contraception, o校機bstetrics)

    · for plastic sur麗國gery

    Applications SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 月跳U , once catalysed件草 and processed is

    recommended for the manufacture of th城如e following article慢是s:

    Those which enter in窗小 contact with food such謝國 as :

    · Tubes for drink dis話章tribution, including potable water

    · Baby’s bottle tops

    · Various techn歌話ical parts.

    · Sections, sleeves, calendered sheets,日有 belts and conveyor belts事兵

    Those used in pha讀科rmacy such as:

    · Tubes and piping for the circula看對tion of liquid or soluble


    · Medicine conveyor belts, etc.遠畫

    Those used for medical applications suc光海h as:

    · Tubes and piping for e做那xtra-corporal circulation

    · Oxygenotherapy tubes

    · Self-injectable sy醫歌ringe seals

    · Breathing masks

    Quality Assurance 1-了錢 Manufacture

    Rhodia Silicones takes pa城黑rticular care in man短事ufacturing and quality

    control in order to 愛國guarantee users with the 唱對supply of an elastomer

    whose quality level is in conformi水高ty with the special requirements in

    these types of application:

    · lack of cross-pol資又lution.

    · high level filtration.

    · Specific controls.

    All of these operations are part of 畫多Rhodia Silicones文人’ quality control

    policy, certified to IS女西O 9001.

    Quality Assurance 2- Control

    Specific controls are carried out 從山on each batch of信坐 SILBIONE MM

    SERIES 71791 U to mee錢上t the various regulations.

    The results are written on the analytic老化al test certificate i吧物n addition to

    the mechanical characte鐘紙ristics.



    Identity : IR Spectrum 學看In Conformity m m

    Volatile content 靜視(%):


    0.5 maxi. m

    Residual peroxides動雨 (%) 0.08 maxi. m

    Mineral oils (fluorescenc煙腦e) In Conformity m


    Turbidity (NTU) 4 maxi. m

    Alkalinity (ml 0.01 M HCl) 1也微 maxi. m

    Acidity (ml 0.01M NaOH) 1.5 maxi但銀. m

    Reducing substanc場好es

    (ml 0.01 M Na2 微上SO3)

    1 maxi m


    Hexane soluble (%) 3 maxi m m

    Phenyl compounds (DO/工雨UV) 0.4 maxi. m

    Heavy metals (ppm) (動可other than

    aqueous extract)

    10 maxi m

    Processing metho機小ds The choice of vul大妹canising agent (peroxide) to ad鄉門d to the SILBIONE

    MM SERIES 71791 U depends on the proc長農essing method and the

    conformity with various “Food conta對哥ct grade” regulations.

    The various processing 內務methods are summarised in 習店the table



    MM SERIES 71791 U

    Dichloro- 2, 4 benzoyle

    Peroxide at 50 %


    Dicumyl Peroxide

    at 95 %


    2, 5 dimethyl-

    2, 5- di (tertio- butyl長新peroxy)

    hexane at 72 %



    Moulding injection

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    hot air vulcanisat站山ion 0.9 to 1.25 為業parts per 100

    master batch

    6 to

    12 bar

    0.6 parts per 100

    Extrusion pressurised 去妹master batch



    12 to

    20 bar

    0.6 parts per 100

    master batch

    Calandering hot air vulcanisation

    0.9 to 1.25 parts per 100

    master batch

    Characteristics 1- Physical pr信照operties

    Type (according to AFNOR T 40002).靜如...... ..........花學.......................MVQ

    Hardness Specific gravity at 25 °土鄉 C, approx.

    40 ShA 1.10

    50 ShA 1.13

    60 ShA 1.15

    70 ShA 1.18

    Characteristics Natural colour......很低................... .............國拍...........................Transparent了化

    2- Mechanical properties

    Below we give an example of t低師he characteristics obtained u開拍sing

    dichloro- 2, 4 b低很enzoyle peroxide (at 50%) as a vulcani照務sing agent.

    Measurements are made機煙 on a 2 mm thick moul志著ded sheet, cured for

    8 min at 115°C and 村鄉post cured for 4 hours at 200°志河C.

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 717會對91 U 71 791/40 U火看 71 791/50 U 71 79跳能1/60 U 71 791/70 U金國

    Peroxide dose in parts per 100 of maste人麗r batch 0.9 1 1.25 1.25

    ShA hardness , points, approx

    (Standard ASTM D 2240)

    43 53 62 72

    Tensile strength, MPa,民站 approx,

    (Standard AFNOR NF T 46- 002)

    9.0 9.5 10 9.5

    Elongation at break, %, approx,家日

    (Standard AFNOR NF T 46- 002)

    600 640 500 410

    Tear strength, kN/m, approx,

    (Standard ASTM D 624 A)

    31 38 38 34

    Compression set ( 22h/ 177°C/ 2工新5%), %, approx,

    (Standard ASTM D 395 B)

    27 34 40 40

    Rebound resilience (thickness 朋廠8 mm), %, approx,

    (Standard DIN 5可通3 512)

    50 45 42 37

    Linear shrinkage %, approx, 3.銀林5 3.7 3.7 4.0

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U m拍大ust be post cured at如雪 200°C

    after vulcanisa唱河tion (it is recommended他些 not to exceed t知體his


    Post curing is essential in order to 個票:

    · Ensure conformity with the legisl輛動ation and regulations著為 currently

    in force

    · Stabilise the mechanical properti對快es of the elastome鐘為r as well as

    its dimensions

    · Ensure the heat stability of the很市 elastomer

    · Improve its chemical resistan畫看ce, especially with respect to

    solvents, fats and steam

    Processing 1- Adding peroxid物哥e to SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U

    This operation is pe下購rformed on a two-roll mi家可xing mill.

    Operating procedure :

    à Check that the e用問quipment is scrupulously c街窗lean in order to avoid

    including impurities that would 知志detract from the quality and prope美在rties of


    à Plasticise the S吃車ILBIONE MASTER BATCH.

    Use of a back / front rolle鐘工r speed ratio of between 1.2老科5 and 1.4 ensures

    sufficient friction to give good p視金lasticising.

    à Add the peroxide,姐可 then mix by cutt店自ing and crossing.

    à Cool the cylinde鄉公rs throughout the operation朋為 in order to maintain the

    SILBIONE MASTER BATCH at a tem紙是perature below 30°C;

    In the case of catalysis u腦人sing crystalised dicumyl 見快peroxide, after

    dispersion it is recommended to 音樹heat the elastomer to 50°C to ensure電聽 the

    fusion of the pero用但xide, then to cool to 30° once fully i亮說ncorporated.

    2- Processing

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 7179飛河1 U obtained in this way can be做冷

    processed using all conventi動白onal methods in the rubber pr南拿ocessing

    industry used for t坐喝raditional materials.

    Processing In t地新his way, using SILBIONE MASTER BATCH 票我plasticised on a

    two-roll mixing mill, we co費他uld:

    à Either roll a sheet to the requi街南red thickness f子通rom which we will 藍會cut

    preforms for moulding.

    à or cut bands that will be use雪外d for example to feed a他少n injection press or

    to prepare sheets for calendering.

    3- Vulcanisation and post curing

    Vulcanisation of 訊筆SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U i器長s carried out at

    temperatures according to the type of理山 peroxide used.

    Once cured we remin外身d you that SILBI睡遠ONE MM SERIES 71791 U

    must be post cured at 200°藍鐘C in forced air ovens wit紙暗h protected

    heating elements.

    The post cure d看遠uration depends on the thickness of th草黃e parts

    obtained (moulded, extr中科uded or calendered).

    Post curing gives the elastomer its op藍廠timum characteristics and ensures

    its conformity with 鐘她the requirements of the regulations人生 currently in force.

    Important comments 鐘下:

    Post curing at a tempe現車rature above 200°C or any accide用北ntal increase in

    temperature (e.g. t知家o around 250-300°C) can damage part舊頻s causing

    stiffening, crackin吃是g or formation of a surfac舊煙e glaze. It is therefore

    important to use good temper科高ature control together w和笑ith forced air


    Non-ventilated ovens請照 or those with insufficient vent鐘商ilation can cause

    "reversion" to水木 occur : a reduction in hardness個森 due to the onset of


    Important notice RHODIA S山電ILICONES SAS guarantee下器s the properties given fo河商r

    SILBIONE MM SERI歌來ES 71791 U .

    However, our company ca什個nnot guarantee the水飛 behaviour of this ma還村ster

    batch and the app日媽lication that i草窗s made of it by the user農科, since it has no

    control over the conditi白低ons of application nor the process u關器nder which a

    study has been conducted.

    Packaging SILBIONE MM SERIES 71姐不791 U are available in 25 kg r謝我einforced

    cardboard cartons.窗開 Each master bat遠著ch is enclosed in a release

    coated sheet.

    Storage and

    shelf life

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 71791 U may be s道去tored in its original

    unopened packaging at a te機空mperature below +40鐵關°C for up to 18

    months from the date of man答上ufacture marked clearly on the


    Past this date, Rhodia Silico月微nes no longer guarantees t男習hat the

    product meets t多愛he sales specifications.When kept上美 in its original

    unopened packaging,

    According to the hardness, 熱姐it is recommended to slightly refreshe綠什n

    SILBIONE MM SERIES 7不視1791 U before using.

    Comment : Prolonged storage beyond th呢姐e recommended expiry date

    generally means務謝 a reduction in 男離hardness and an incr自黑ease in refreshening


    Safety Please refer to t唱能he Safety Data Sheets for SILBIONE MM 習靜SERIES

    71791 U .

    Warning to users The information co雜文ntained in this document 是金is given in good faith

    based on our current knowledge. It is討員 only an indicat水飛ion and is in no

    way binding, partic報民ularly as regards in年關fringement of or p討森rejudice to

    third party rights throu場報gh the use of our products.



    This information must on no accoun風對t be used as a substitute讀機 for

    necessary prior tests which alone can 家玩ensure that a product is

    suitable for a 好那given use.

    Users are respo新為nsible for ensuring compliance with l慢計ocal legislation

    and for obtainin山見g the necessary certifications a煙通nd authorisations.

    Users are requested t年上o check that they are in pos姐線session of the

    latest version of this d志從ocument and RHODIA SILICON山呢ES is at their

    disposal to suppl行唱y any additional inf務老ormation.

版權所有 © 廣州餘簡貿易有限公司  
