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  • 藍星MM-1171U
    • 産品名稱:藍星MM-1171U
    • 産品編号:22
    • 規 格:25
    • 用 途:Description • RHODORSIL MM 1171U機兒 is a silicone master-batch 鐘南vulcanizing under heat af要影ter addition of a vulcan頻工izing agent (chosen according to the t業南ransformation process). Advan金玩tages • Slight replastifica鄉街tion after prolonged sto紙道rage • Easy to m拿麗anipulate • Good stability up to 是東200 ºC • Translucent • Easy to b報們lending Characteristics • Type 刀子(AFNOR T 40002)身開 MVQ • Density at 25 ºC, ap小說prox. 1.21 • Natural colour translucen相爸t • Williams plasticity 年花260 Properties After ad姐頻dition of 0.6% dimethyl–2, 5 bis (terti年要obutyl-peroxy), 2,5樹靜 hexane at 75%, and vulcanization for 票美10 minutes at 170 °C, and postcure fo科風r 4 hours at 200 °C. 老農 Hardness (Duromote這我r), approx 70 (ASTM D 22國玩40) Tensile strength, (Kgf/cm)村坐, approx. 78 (JIS K 63去讀01 No.3) Elongation at break %, appr家制ox. 220 (JIS K 6301 No.3) Tear str物火ength, (Kgf/cm), approx. 風秒20 (JIS K 6301 TYPE B) 紅亮 Compression set (%) (18長吃0C/22hrs) 17 (JI家冷S K 6301) Linear shrinkage化空 (%) 200C/4hr ……………………………………行如3.5% Applicati遠道ons Moulding, injec水綠tion of articles w多錯ith good mechanical properties. 志光 Packaging RHODORSIL M章少ASTERBATCH MM 117短歌1U is supplied in 20 kg reinforced ca得樹rdboard boxes. 480 kilos in a pa遠會llet. S綠舞torage RHODORSIL MASTE兒話RBATCH MM 1171U may 時明be stored for up to 6 months a少也t a temperature below 40ºC as from 我呢the date of manufacture marked clearly 物道on the packaging. Past this da離資te Rhodia Silicones來空 no longer guarante如低es that the product meets the sales樂聽 specifications.歌愛 Safety Cons對工ult the Safety Data Sh花坐eet of RHODORSIL MA理家STERBATCH MM 1171U. 懂計 Important The i算樂nformation contained i筆街n this document is given i制民n good faith based on our curre訊車nt knowledge. It is only an in習區dication and is in no way binding, 日購particularly as rega理老rds infringement o快熱f or prejudice to third party ri見秒ghts through the use of our products.器作 RHODIA GUARANTEES THA答好T ITS PRODUCTS COMPLY WITH ITS SALES S草遠PECIFICATIONS. This i秒看nformation must on no account 看海be used as a substitute for妹間 necessary prior tests which alone 間男can ensure that a product is 身訊suitable for a given use. Users are 志聽responsible for e員畫nsuring compliance 科她with local legisla輛來tion and for obtaining the 睡問necessary certifici畫玩cations and authorisati綠到ons. Users are re老場quested to check that they are in po姐在ssession of the latest version of東暗 this document 她這and RHODIA is at their disposal to s朋弟upply any additional infor多店mation..
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下一頁:藍星MM-785 B40U

  • 詳細信息
  • DescriptionRHODORSIL MM 1171U is a 靜兵silicone master-batc我多h vulcanizing under h好拍eat after addition of a我票 vulcanizing agent (chosen acc器還ording to the transfor影問mation process).

    AdvantagesSlight replastification 黑低after prolonged storage

    Easy to manipulate

    Good stability up to 200 ºC


    Easy to blending

    Characteristics Type (AFNOR T 40002)資風 MVQ

    Density at 25 ºC, approx.1.21

    Natural colourtranslucent

    Williams plasticity260

    PropertiesAfter addition 師費of 0.6% dimethyl–2, 5 bis (ter書睡tiobutyl-peroxy)大員, 2,5 hexane at 75%, and vulcanizat討商ion for 10 minutes at大書 170 °C, and postcure for 林工4 hours at 200 °C.

    Hardness (Duromot嗎聽er), approx 70

    (ASTM D 2240)

    Tensile strength新草, (Kgf/cm), approx.78

    (JIS K 6301 No.3)

    Elongation at break光東 %, approx.220

    (JIS K 6301 No.3月說)

    Tear strength, (Kgf/c算吃m), approx.20

    (JIS K 6301 TYPE B)

    Compression set (%) (1歌在80C/22hrs)17

    (JIS K 6301)

    Linear shrinkage (%) 200C/4hr……………………………………3.5%

    ApplicationsMoulding, injection of articles 知可with good mechanical p通也roperties.

    PackagingRHODORSIL MASTERBATCH MM 1171U is對又  supplied in 20 kg reinf日章orced cardboard boxes. 480 kil少你os in a pallet.



    RHODORSIL MASTERBAT視數CH MM 1171U may be stored 南喝for up to 6 months at a 地窗temperature below 40º術小C as from the date o為銀f manufacture marked clearly on 女服the packaging.

    Past this date Rhodia Sil些坐icones no longer g厭街uarantees that the p答花roduct meets the sales spe體輛cifications.

    SafetyConsult the Safety Data Sheet of生師 RHODORSIL MASTERBATCH MM 1171U.行風


    The information contained in this小什 document is given in good f那但aith based on our current要場 knowledge. It is only an indication 窗見and is in no way binding,服街 particularly as reg現新ards infringement of or prejudice 土對to third party rights through t日劇he use of our products.


    This information must on no account be 明姐used as a substitute for necessary prio就來r tests which alone can ensure 海哥that a product is suitable for a g關亮iven use.

    Users are responsible for ensuring co關愛mpliance with lo厭厭cal legislation and for obta上妹ining the necessary certificicat在高ions and authorisations.

    Users are requested to check that t書拿hey are in possession of the latest v微校ersion of this document and RHODIA is 靜家at their disposal to supply any addit也件ional information..


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